Cannes à 2 mains - Spey/Switch Echo - Série TR - Cannes à 2 mains - Tim Rajeff

Une série de cannes Spey d'action rapide mises au point et utilisées par Tim Rajeff lui-même.

Cette série de cannes maîtrise particulièrement bien des soies de type Short Head et Skagit

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Série cannes Echo à deux mains  - TR TIM RAJEFF


Modèles Longueur Capacité
de brins
Poignée Action
TR2- 3110 11'0" 3 4 Medium-Fast
TR2 - 4113 11'3" 4 4 Medium-Fast
TR2 - 6126 12'6" 6 4 Medium-Fast
TR2 - 7130 13'0" 7 4 Medium-Fast
TR2 - 8136 13'6" 8 4 Medium-Fast
TR2 - 9140 14'0" 9 4 Medium-Fast

What do you do when you have a slight hitch in your giddy-up? If you are a two-hand fly fisherman who owns their own rod company you simply create a family of rods that help you cast better. The TR (Tim Rajeff) series of rods have a little more oomph in the bottom half to keep up with his slightly more abrupt power application. The ECHO TR rods will throw tighter loops farther than you ever dreamed possible. Load them up with a Skagit Compact head and they slow down enough to make fishing sink tips a breeze. New to the family for 2014 is the TR-4120 (12' 0" #4). This rod takes an incredible rod series and makes it even better. With rods now available from the new 4 weight to the 14' 0" #9 weight winter cannon. When your friends ask to borrow your ECHO TR, don't do it, you might not get it back.

TR Rods feature:

  • Four piece travel design
  • Alignment dots for quick assembly
  • Premium grade cork upper handle with composite pressure zone at top of the handle
  • Handle lengths vary with each model
  • Premium grade cork lower handle with composite pivot knob
  • Black anodized reel seat
  • Matte army green blank
  • Black stripper and snake guides


Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 11p soie 3 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 11p soie 3 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 11.3p soie 4 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 11.3p soie 4 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 12.6p soie 6 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 12.6p soie 6 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 13p soie 7 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 13p soie 7 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 13.6p soie 8 - 4 brins

Canne Echo TR2 à deux mains Tim Rajeff 13.6p soie 8 - 4 brins